Last year, FEMA set up emergency shelter in a meadow for fifteen hundred people left homeless by Hurricane Charley. The little town of 500 trailers is now a ghetto. Bradenton Herald:
The plan for Katrina: 125,000 trailers.
Update—Credit: Marginal Revolution.
[D]rug use, vandalism, break-ins and fights are widespread. Young people regularly call FEMA City a prison.The director of recovery for Charlotte County told the paper, “[T]his is my advice to New Orleans and the other Gulf Coast towns: Don't make big camps with thousands of people, because it doesn't work. It takes a bad situation and, for many people, actually makes it worse.”
The troubles got so bad in the spring that the entire camp was fenced in, a county police substation was set up, and armed security guards were stationed at the one point where residents were allowed to enter and exit. (Emphasis added.)
The plan for Katrina: 125,000 trailers.
Update—Credit: Marginal Revolution.
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