Thursday, January 19, 2006

Student spies paid to monitor professors

A conservative alumni organization is offering to pay UCLA students to monitor the activities of leftist professors such as the notorious Dirty Thirty, who are systematically brainwashing their students. The ultimate goal is to get complete tape recordings and class notes for every class these professors teach.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Ten million the estimated number of Indian girls aborted after an ultrasound gender check in the past twenty years, according to a study in The Lancet.
Population censuses in India show that the number of girls has fallen steadily. In 1981 there were 962 girls for every 1,000 boys up to the age of 6. In 2001 there were only 927.

Cheney emergency hospital visit

The smartest guy in the White House was rushed to the hospital around 3 A.M. last night after experiencing shortness of breath. Doctors found that he had been retaining “fluids” due to medication he's taking for some sort of foot ailment.

When I think of the web of technology keeping this guy alive, my internal organs twitch.